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Cultural Ambassador Program

"What is a UTC Cultural Ambassador?"

A Cultural Ambassador is a UTC student who has returned from a study abroad or exchange experience and is interested in giving their time back to the International Programs Office to encourage other UTC students to study abroad, to increase globally-focused activities on campus, and to share their experiences with the rest of campus and the Chattanooga community.

“What would I do as a Cultural Ambassador?” 

These are some examples of past activities:
• E-mail/contact prospective international students interested in coming to UTC;
• Send welcome notes to new international students;
• Attend the new international student orientations and each new exchange student orientation lunches in August and January;
• Attend the various social outings planned for the incoming exchange students;
• Assist with UTC’s involvement with the Chattanooga Culture Fest in October;
• Help plan and attend campus cultural events;
• Represent UTC study abroad/international/NSE programs at select off-campus international and cultural events- e.g. Culture Fest;
• Speak at our office’s information presentations to students, parents, high schools, etc;
• Plan student ambassador led events for UTC’s international/cultural week, WorldFest;
• Provide culture-related articles from your exchange experience for UTC’s Exchange web site, International Student Organization’s online newsletter and for the ECHO;
• Help us man tables at special UTC events (orientations, admissions events, family weekends, etc.);
• Provide additional ideas for promoting and increasing student exchange awareness on campus;
• Nominate future student ambassadors;
• Provide our office with ideas for additional functions of the ambassadors.

“What would I get out of my participation as a Cultural Ambassador?” 
  • Affirming the commitment that you have already made to learning more about a new culture
  • An opportunity to share your experiences with students, faculty, and staff and in that sharing/teaching make a significant contribution to improving the cultural awareness on the UTC campus and in Chattanooga  
  • Occupy a leadership role in spreading “culture” on campus
  • The benefit from having the experience on your resume
"What is the time commitment?"

You can commit as much time as you are willing and able. Every semester there is a different number of active Cultural Ambassadors with varying levels of commitment. We welcome everyone.